Toca do Cachorrão – Nhami Nham with Bossa Nova
Last updated: Sep 15th, 2009 | By: Rafael Vieira
This could have been just a small presentation for another Brazilian place in Bairro Alto district, one among many others if it weren’t for two important details that makes this small kind-of-a-tunnel bar one of my favorites in the streets of Bairro. Those two things that always makes me to return are the live concerts and the enormous and tasty hot dog.
Amongst the more than 90 bars spread around the district this place distinguishes itself by the cozy environment and relaxed atmosphere with regular – very frequent – live concerts of Brazilian music, Bossa Nova and MPB genres. Cachorrão is part of the name of this place and it refers to an huge hot dog that can completely serve as a meal; as is Toca, which means hole or cavity due to the extended cave-like interior of the place. The live music sounds feed your soul and spirit filling you with the rhythm of the south hemisphere and making you to want to dance through the streets of the city.
Details about this spot :
Toca do Cachorrão | Bars, Music, Snacks | Brazilian Hotdog € 3.00
Rua da Atalaia 85 | Bairro Alto (area map)
Mon – Thu 22:00 – 02:00, Fri – Sat 22:00 – 03:00